Women experience unique health concerns and conditions, from pregnancy and perimenopause to gynecological conditions, such as uterine fibroids and walls of the vagina disorders. The wellness topics listed beneath affect women just. Some other circumstances affect men as well but affect ladies primarily or even more severely. Because women’s wellness is so wide, these types of health topics consist of links to access more information inside the NICHD’s website.
Pregnancy problems consist of preconception care and prenatal treatment, being pregnant loss (miscarriage and stillbirth), preterm labor and early birth, sudden baby loss of life syndrome (SIDS), child, and delivery defects.
Disorders related to infertility include uterine fibroids, polycystic ovary syndrome, endometriosis, and primary ovarian insufficiency.
Other disorders and conditions that affect only women include Turner symptoms, Rett syndrome, and ovarian and cervical cancers.
Issues associated with women’s overall health and wellness consist of assault against ladies, females with afflictions and their exclusive challenges, brittle bones and bone wellness, and menopause.
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